Australian Society for Biophysics Student & Early Career Research Satellite Symposium
Date: Wednesday 18 September 2024
Time: 1000-1600 hrs (to be confirmed)
Location: Hub locations in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Canberra and any other city where six or more ASB members would like to congregate. The symposium will be held in hybrid mode.
Cost: Complimentary for ASB members
Expression of Interest: Note your expression of interest when registering for Biomolecular Horizons 2024 and further information will be sent to you by the Event Organiser. Visit the online registration information here

The Australian Society for Biophysics (ASB) represents researchers, academics, and others with an interest in the application of physical and physicochemical methods to the study of biological systems. The Satellite Symposium will give student and ECR members of ASB the opportunity to present, network, and develop key skills ahead of BMH2024. All ASB members are welcome to attend hubs set up in each major city and all student and ECRs who have an accepted poster presentation at BMH2024 will be eligible for inclusion in the satellite program.

We will select some of these students and ECRs to present short 15-minute talks with all remaining BMH poster-presenters invited to present a 2-minute flash talk. This is a great opportunity to make the ASB community aware of ASB research and poster topics ahead of the Congress! The day will also encourage networking both within and between hubs and will feature a workshop on conference skills.


  • Provide ASB students and ECRs the opportunity to present their research to the wider ASB community.
  • Encourage networking between ASB members, especially new students ahead of attending BMH2024.
  • Develop and discuss conference and networking skills

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South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia
T +61 3 9645 6311

©Biomolecular Horizons 2024