Associate Professor Shobhna Kapoor
Associate Professor Shobhna Kapoor

Indian Institute of Technology, India

Shobhna Kapoor is a biophysical chemist and chemical biologist working at the physical and life sciences interface. She received her Ph.D. in Biophysics from Technische Universitat Dortmund, Germany in 2013. She was a postdoctoral fellow at Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology, Germany, in Chemical Biology. Currently, she is an associate professor at the Department of Chemistry at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India. She is interested in the multiple roles played by lipids in diseases at the molecular level. By inventorying the landscape of pathogenic lipid-induced effects in cell membrane properties, her work has tremendous potential to discover and design resistance-free membrane-centric drugs/drug targets in diseases, particularly infectious diseases. Her work also inspires the development of lipid chemical tools for probing fundamental problems in biology by leveraging the physical chemistry modules that dictate membrane structure and function. She is a recipient of the NRW Young Scientist Award in Chemistry, INSA Medal for Young Scientists, NASI Young Scientist, SERB Women in Excellence Award 2023, and NASI SCOPUS Young Scientist Award 2023. 

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