Dr. Bong-Kiun Kaang

Institute for Basic Science
Seoul National University, Korea

Dr. Bong-Kiun Kaang is an Emeritus Professor of Neuroscience at the Seoul National University and co-Director of the Center for Cognition and Sociality at the Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon.

Dr. Kaang is well-known for his work in uncovering the molecular and biological mechanisms underlying learning and memory (Kim et al., Neuron, 2024; Choi et al., Neuron, 2021; Choi et al., Science, 2018; Cho et al., Science, 2018). Dr. Kaang has garnered recognition through various awards, such as the Kyung-Ahm Prize (2012), National Academy of Sciences Award (2016), Korea Best Scientist & Engineer Award (2018), and the Samsung Ho-Am Prize (2021).

He has been the Editor-in-Chief of MOLECULAR BRAIN since 2008 and is a distinguished fellow of the Korean Academy of Science & Technology.

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